Newdegate salutes regional emergency services.

Cally Dupe and Zach Relph

They are the people who defend us, protect us and rush to our aid when we are most vulnerable, but they are not often front of our minds.

Emergency Services in the Bush was the theme of the 47th Newdegate Machinery Field Days, held earlier this month, with more than 13,000 people through the gates.

To read more head over to the COUNTRYMAN website

Dumbleyung  paramedic Murray Parker, State Emergency Services volunteer Daniel  Randle, Air Force Warrant Officer Trevor Jacobs, Newdegate Machinery  Field Days president Craig Newman, sponsorship and promotions  co-ordinator Helen Steicke, Army Res…

Dumbleyung paramedic Murray Parker, State Emergency Services volunteer Daniel Randle, Air Force Warrant Officer Trevor Jacobs, Newdegate Machinery Field Days president Craig Newman, sponsorship and promotions co-ordinator Helen Steicke, Army Reserve Signaller Abbey Robinson, Royal Australian Navy Chief Petty Officer physical training instructor Darren Dyball and Jerramungup police acting Senior Sergeant Adam Winter. Credit: Cally Dupe


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